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Tioman Sailfish Angling

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The East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia offers one of the world's newest game fishing destinations. Endowed with a wide variety of marine and inland angling destinations, Malaysia hosts a plethora of fish species. Our tropical seas hold most of the main target species of tropical game fish including the dragsters of the sea, the Pacific Sailfish.

In fact, Rompin is renown for its consistent sailfish stocks. And as numerous blistered thumbs, smoking spools and shattered rods can attest, in our neck of the woods, the Sailfish is an absolutely awesome adversary. It's not the biggest of them all, but it is worthy adversary nonetheless.

Catch of the week?
Catch of the week?

So, are you aching for some sea angling that's truly second to none? Would you like to come face to face with the Mighty Sailfish? Have you always wanted to witness the Sailfish's cobalt-blue dorsal fin pyrotechnics? Or its sheer unbelievable swimming speed (estimated at 100 km/h)? The sea around Rompin, about an hour away from Tioman, is known as Sailfish Alley in the area, due to the density of sailfish found here. So join us on a Sailfish angling adventure that you'll be talking about for years to come.

The Sailfish Extravaganza package on offer includes:

- 2 full days fishing
- 3 nights accommodation
- All meals whilst on the boat
- Fishing guides
- Fishing tackle

You can expect to catch a number of sailfish at just over half an hour from shore. The angling will be done during the day. Nights we spend at basic but comfortable riverside chalets. If you'd like to add extra days, that's possible too, subject to availability of course.

Our waters are home to Tuna - Yellowfin, Bigeye and Dogtooth too. In addition, Wahoo, Giant Trevally, Cobia, Spanish Mackerel, Dorado and Amberjack add to the variety of game fish to be had off Rompin. So whatever your poison, tight lines are practically guaranteed*.

Contact us on +65 900 79345 if you'd like to check our rates and/or availability.

*Note: Of course in fishing there are no real guarantees. Many factors need to be considered when it comes to angling for game fish at sea. In fact, even if all the required measures are taken to ensure a good trip there is still no known method to force a fish to bite. That said, we're confidant that excellent catches should prevail.

Book your slot now. We'll get back to you within one business day to confirm.
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Whilst we spare no effort, due to the nature of sea travel, we're unable to guarantee that we can always send out alerts in time.
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