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Duty-Free Alcohol and Tobacco

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Tioman really has a lot to offer. Apart from scenic locations, palmtree-fringed beaches, pristine waters and imposing fauna and flora, there are also plenty of duty-free items for sale. For example, the wine, beer, liquor and cigarettes available at the duty-free shops on Tioman tend to be lower in price than at most international airports even. And alcohol and cigarettes are easy to find once you've arrived, especially if you've taken the plane in.
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The Vision Commerce store, in Tekek Village, just a few minutes' walk from the airport, is one of the island's largest duty-free shops. This well-stocked convenience store offers a whole range of products, such as batik t-shirts, souvenirs, fruit and tobacco and of course wine, beer and liquor.

Even if you're looking for some everyday items, such as kitchen utensils, a screwdriver or glue, head to this shop, because they sell almost everything. Some items may be a little more expensive than on the mainland and some will be a little cheaper, especially, obviously tobacco and alcohol. In either case, try to negotiate the price stated, as there may well be some wiggle room down. This also applies to the other villages such as Paya and Salang, which have small sundry shops too.

A note on any tobacco and/or alcohol bought, either in Tioman or elsewhere. Please note that you need to pay duty on all cigarettes, wine, beer, or liquor if you carry these back to Singapore. The Singapore authorities are rather no-nonsense when it comes to tobacco and alcohol, so always, always declare these goods to Singapore customs.

See here for the Singapore customs website on duty-free goods, which, FYI, include cigarettes, wine, beer and liquor.

Incidentally, should you need cash in Tioman, there's an ATM in Tekek, just around the corner from the airport.

Mersing Harbour Centre

This is where you collect the ferry tickets you booked online. The complex also has a great food and drinks section, as well as a decent number of cool shops for some last-minute retail therapy, before hopping onto your ferry. Find out more...

Tioman Spa

Pulau Tioman offers several Spa and Wellness Centres that you should give a try. You can select the type of treatment you want from this website, as it lists each of Tioman's resorts and hotels that feature Spa therapies. Find out more...

Tioman Honeymoon

Tying the knot in the not too distant future and looking for an exotic paradise to immerse in newlywed bliss? Take a look at this site. It presents each of Tioman Island's resorts that offer delectable honeymoon packages. Find out more...

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