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Useful Tips for Holidaying in Tioman Island

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Looking to enjoy some quality time on a tropical beach and set your sights on Pulau Tioman? These tips, tricks and suggestions may well go a long way if you're aiming to save some money whilst maximizing your holiday. Included below are items that will improve your experience with various modes of transport, your accommodation, outdoor recreation, food and drink, Wellness, pretty much everything you encounter when on an exotix getaway. Some of the tidbits mentioned may even prevent you from making one or more of those typical tourist boo-boos and non-nos. Better safe than sorry :)

A. Book your resort and ferry tickets as far as possible in advance, especially when travelling over weekends, public holidays and Singaporean school holidays and Malaysian school holidays. You'll find that these are busy periods. Click here to see the entire range of Tioman hotels and resorts that Agoda has on offer, from budget to exclusive retreats. Happy browsing!

B. Parking at the designated area outside Mersing Harbour Centre costs up to RM 20 per night. The car park is fenced off and secure, but tends to be full during weekends and holidays. That said, come and see us at ferry ticket collection counter number 21, because chances are we can get your car parked. Click here for more details.

C. The only vaccination requirements For West Malaysia are yellow fever for infected areas. Cholera, smallpox and malaria have largely been eliminated. That said, if you're going jungle trekking in remote areas, then best bring malaria pills.

D. There are several rather good food stalls near the departure jetty in Mersing. By all means try the dishes offered there, because they're well worth it. By the way, Tioman souvenirs of all shapes, types and sizes can be bought in the shops behind these food stalls. Fortunately, Tioman is blissfully free of unwanted hawkers, so not only can you walk along the many beaches without being the target of constant requests to buy something, but you can even browse the shops with ease, because no one will be urging you to buy anything.

E. Visitors to Malaysia are advised that the trafficking of drugs, including marijuana, is punishable by the death penalty.

F. Before your departure to Tioman, you'll be asked to pay 30 Ringgit conservation fee by the authorities. Please note that these funds collected go towards maintaining the Tioman marine environment, the flora and fauna. You'll be issued a receipt in return.

G. Local calls can be made from public phones using coins or pre-paid cards. International calls can be made from public phones with card phone facilities or at any Telekom offices or Internet cafes using Skype.

H. The ferry departure times can't always be exactly adhered to. In more cases than not, this is due to the changing tides, i.e. the water depth around the mouth of the Mersing River and, in particular, the channel the ferry follows out to sea and back. Just take these occasional delays in your stride, as they really cannot be helped.

I. Visitors to Malaysia who wish to drive need an international driving licence. Driving is on the left-hand side of the road. Please note that it's advisable to observe the speed limits, 50km/h in the city or residential areas and 80km/h and 110km/h on the highway and expressway, respectively.

J. Bring an extra t-shirt or sweater with you on the ferry, because sometimes the air-con setting is quite high, rendering the ferry cabin a bit chilly.

K. Local food tends to be quite spicy. If you cannot bear spicy food, inform the hotel service staff, so the food can be prepared using less chili.

L. Please make sure you know at which "kampung" your resort is located and remember the name of your kampung. Kampung means village in Malay and it's these villages that are announced when you reach Tioman.

This is the usual order of the stops on your way to Tioman:

1. Kampung Genting
2. Kampung Paya (Don't mistake "Paya" for "Berjaya", which is in Tekek)
3. Kampung Tekek
4. Kampung Air Batang (Also known as "ABC")
x. Panuba Jetty (If there are guests staying here)
5. Kampung Salang
The ferry route to your Tioman destination

Simply reverse the order on your way back to Mersing. (Please note that during the Northeast monsoon, the route taken may be adjusted. By all means ask the crew if you're not sure where to disembark.)

By the way, if you're going to Kampung Mukut or Kampung Nipah, please inform the ferry crew in advance, so they can inform you accordingly, because these kampungs are generally not on the usual destination list.

M. Visitors to Malaysia must be in possession of a valid passport or travel document with a minimum validity of six months beyond the intended visiting period. Most visitors do not require visas for social or business visits. However, citizens from North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and the People's Republic of China are required to have a visa to visit Malaysia.

N. Tapwater is safe to drink in Malaysia, but it's best boiled first.

O. Apart from the November to March monsoon months, most of our sea crossings tend to be fairly smooth. If, however, you tend to get seasick, you can try motion sickness medication, such as Dramamine, available from your local pharmacy. Another way to combat that queasy feeling in your stomach is by using a motion sickness patch. These slow-release patches are stuck behind the ear, where, according to users, they cause less drowsiness than oral medication. Sucking on a sweet lemon candy also does the trick for some. Lastly, if all else fails, please note that the ferry carries seasickness bags. They're black and can be found hanging from the ferry wall, usually near the front of the cabin.

P. Looking for a cheap way to get to Mersing before catching your ferry to Tioman? There are various bus and coach options on our Mersing bus and coach page. You can book your tickets real-time. Your seats are confirmed immediately. And you can even see where the bus departs and what time it departs.

Q. If you haven't booked your Tioman hotel room or resort chalet just yet, then fret now, because, apart from ferry tickets and bus tickets, you can book book all kinds of accommodations right here on this site as well. Just click here to see the entire range of Tioman lodgings that Agoda has on offer, from budget to exclusive retreats. Happy browsing!

NOTE: The Malaysia Ringgit is at historic lows currently, so better book your Malaysia trip now, because you'll be able to snag extremely good resort deals!

R. Can't wait for that delicious all-body massage you promised yourself? Then it's good to be in the know of the various spa estabishments that Tioman offers. This established Tioman Spa portal provides an overview of all Spa clinics in Tioman and details the treatments available. Bookings can be made on the spot. And they also run all-in packages and combo promos every now and again.

S. Do you have a tip or a suggestion? Email us.

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