NEU: Singapur Fähre
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Terms & Conditions & Disclaimer

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Below Terms and Conditions apply to

By reserving your ferry transport with ferry operator Blue Water Express, you understand and agree that Tioman Ferry Tickets will not be held responsible, nor accountable for any consequences resulting from said reservation(s) or cancellation of said reservation(s) by Blue Water Express, or from any other causes. Specifically:

1. You use this Tioman Ferry Tickets website,, at your own risk.

2. This site is provided on as-is basis. Tioman Ferry Tickets does not warrant or represent that the content of this site is always accurate, always up-to-date or always complete, or that it does not infringe upon the rights of any third parties. Tioman Ferry Tickets makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this site, its contents or any of the services supplied through the site. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Tioman Ferry Tickets disclaims all implied representations and warranties including, without limitation, implied warranties that the services offered and supplied through the site will be of merchantable quality, fit for any purpose or will comply with any descriptions on the site.

3. When using the Tioman Ferry Tickets website, information will be transmitted over a medium which, in many cases, is beyond the control or jurisdiction of Tioman Ferry Tickets. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Tioman Ferry Tickets (including our officers, employees, shareholders or other representatives) are not liable for any loss or damage (including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, personal injury/wrongful death, lost profits, or damages resulting from lost data or business interruption), however caused (including negligence), which may be directly or indirectly suffered, in connection with your use of or inability to access this site or the purchase and use of any services provided via this site. This limitation of liability (whether arising under contract, tort (including negligence) or statute) applies to all damages of any kind including compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property, personal injury, death and claims of third parties.

4. Access to and use of the Tioman Ferry Tickets website is subject to factors beyond Tioman Ferry Tickets' control. Tioman Ferry Tickets does not represent or warrant that the Tioman Ferry Tickets website, the server that makes it available, or any of the products or services provided through the Tioman Ferry Tickets website, will be free of errors, viruses or defects or that the service will always be uninterrupted or timely. Because of the nature of the Internet, Tioman Ferry Tickets does not warrant that the Tioman Ferry Tickets website will be secure and Tioman Ferry Tickets will not be liable for any disruptions to the Tioman Ferry Tickets website.

5. In the event that the Tioman Ferry Tickets website fails to operate or causes any loss or damage, due to non-availability of information, Tioman Ferry Tickets cannot and will not be held responsible, nor accountable.

6. Tioman Ferry Tickets operates on the condition that ferry tickets booked by the customer have been collected by the customer. Customers arriving at Tioman Ferry Tickets' ticketing counter after the last ferry has departed, i.e. too late to be on the ferry for the day reserved, forfeit their ferry reservation. Customers who do not come to Tioman Ferry Tickets' ticketing counter at all, to collect their tickets, forfeit their ferry reservation. Customers who decline the ferry tickets from Tioman Ferry Tickets' ticketing counter staff forfeit their ferry reservation.

7. In the event a ferry departure is deemed unsafe, or is cancelled on account of weather, tides or sea state, such as during the monsoon months, i.e. November to March, or any other cause or reason, Tioman Ferry Tickets cannot and will not be held responsible, nor accountable. Any and all refund requests are subject to approval by Bluewater Express.

8. Tioman Ferry Tickets cannot and will not be held responsible, nor accountable for personal injury or death resulting from ferry fire, collision, sinking, or any other mishap, either as a result of an accident, or mismanagement, or otherwise, either while at sea, or otherwise.

9. To the fullest extent permitted by law, remedies under these Terms and Conditions are exclusive and are limited to those expressly provided for in these Terms and Conditions.

10. These specific Terms and Conditions - both above and below - may be amended by Tioman Ferry Tickets as Tioman Ferry Tickets deems appropriate. Customers shall be bound by the Terms and Conditions so amended.

Itinerary changes

Any and all passenger itinerary amendment requests are subject to approval by Bluewater Express!

Ferry times selected

The ferry between Mersing and Tioman is subject to tidal ranges, sea state, weather etc

Ferry destinations

A round-trip ferry ticket represents one leg from either Mersing or Tanjung Gemuk to any one final destination in Tioman, and one leg from any one legitimate departure point in Tioman to either Mersing or Tanjung Gemuk. That is, there will be a maximum of one single disembarkation per ferry leg. Once the passenger has disembarked, even if prematurely, i.e. at a ferry stop before the actual ferry stop intended and booked, the ferry leg booked shall be considered redeemed.

Cancellation/Refund Policy Ferry Tickets

All cancellation requests of confirmed bookings are subject to approval by Bluewater Express.

Email delivery failure

It is the passengers' responsibility to contact Tioman Ferry Tickets in order to be informed of the ferry travel details. Ferry reservation confirmation emails, or any other messages sent by Tioman Ferry Tickets, that are consistently not received by the intended recipient due to an incorrectly typed email address during the booking process, incorrectly set spam filter, full mail box, or any other email problem, resulting in passengers missing their ferry or ferries booked, will result in this/these particular booking(s) being redeemed without passengers. In other words, these bookings are forfeited. No refund will be given for these bookings.


Regular luggage is free of charge. However, luggage that's not considered regular, such as golf bags/equipment, surf boards, bicycles, or an unusually high number of suitcases per individual passenger, are all subject to excess luggage fee. The final amount of excess luggage fee chargeable is determinable by the Bluewater Express ferry cabin crew.


As Tioman Ferry Ticket is dependent on third-party notifications, Tioman Ferry Tickets cannot and will not be held responsible for errors in said notifications. This applies to Tioman Ferry Tickets' Emails, Tweets, Facebook, Ferry Hotline, Whatsapp and all Tioman Ferry Tickets' other media and communication modes.


No rights can be derived from our Tweets.

Bus Online Tickets

Tioman Ferry Tickets is third party agent of (Bus Online Ticket) bus tickets. As such, by reserving your bus transport with the various bus and/or coach and/or ferry companies available on the booking forms within any of the domains owned by Tioman Ferry Tickets, you understand and agree that Tioman Ferry Tickets cannot and will not be held responsible, nor accountable, for any negative repercussions, financial or otherwise, resulting from said reservation(s) or cancellation(s) of said reservation(s) by any of the bus or coach or ferry companies, or any other causes. Tioman Ferry Tickets cannot and will not be held responsible, nor accountable, for any accidents, for example but not excluded to bus accidents, or ferry accident, or personal injury or death, either as a result of a bus accident, or a ferry accident, or from any other causes.

NOTE: In the event conflicting information, or a mutually exclusive item is located elsewhere, the above disclaimer details take full legal precedence.

Mersing Harbour Centre

Buchen Sie Ihre Sitzplätze für die Fähre online, bevor Sie nach Malaysia fliegen, und holen Sie dann Ihre Tickets in diesem Gebäude ab. Sie können hier auch etwas essen und trinken oder ein bisschen einkaufen, bevor Sie die Fähre zu Ihrem Inselparadies nehmen. Mehr...

Tioman Spa

Pulau Tioman verfügt über mehrere Spa- und Wellnesszentren, die Sie ausprobieren können. Wählen Sie einfach die gewünschten Spa-Behandlungen auf dieser Website aus, weil es so ist listet alle Tioman Hotels und Resorts auf, die Spa-Services anbieten. Mehr...

Tioman Honeymoon

Wenn Sie bald heiraten und auf der Suche nach einer exotischen Insel sind Um Ihre Flitterwochen zu genießen, werfen Sie einen Blick auf diese Website. Es profiliert alle Tiomans bessere Hotels und Resorts, die fantastische Flitterwochenpakete anbieten. Mehr...

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