Our news updates will be
tweeted henceforth.
February 27 2018
The ferry to Tioman for March 30 and 31, the Good Friday weekend, is now fully booked. The wait/standby list is closed. Our apologies.
January 16 2018
The ferry to Tioman for February 16, 17 and 18, the Chinese New Year weekend, is now fully booked. The wait/standby list, too, has been closed.
January 13 2018
The ferry service has been cancelled for today, Saturday 13th January 2018. For the latest ferry updates, please call our Ferry Hotline number, as per your booking confirmation email.
January 11 2018
By government directive, the Tioman ferry service will be operating on a day-to-day basis from 12 to 14 January. I.e. the ferry will run only if and when weather permits. For the latest ferry updates, please call our Ferry Hotline, as per our booking confirmation email.
January 1 2018
Please note that the ferry from Mersing to Tioman has been suspended from January 1 - 3, due to weather.
January 1 2018
Tioman Ferry Tickets wishes everyone, near and far, a happy happy new year.
December 28 2017
The Mersing to Tioman ferry departure time for December 29 has been changed from 7.30 am to 7.00 am. For the latest ferry updates, please call our Ferry Hotline, as per our booking confirmation email.
December 17 2017
Please note that the ferry from Mersing to Tioman has been cancelled for December 17 - 19. For the latest ferry updates, please call our Mersing operations manager, Mr David Lee. Mr Lee's number can be found in our confirmation email.
December 10 2017
The departure time for the ferry from Mersing to Tioman on Tuesday December 12 has been changed from 8.00 am to 7.30 am. Please adjust your Mersing arrival time accordingly.
For the latest ferry updates, please call our Mersing operations manager, Mr David Lee. Mr Lee's number can be found in our confirmation email.
December 10 2017
The Mersing to Tioman ferry departure time from December 13 to December 17 has been fixed to 8.00 am.
December 10 2017
The Tioman to Mersing ferry departure time for December 16 and December 17 has been changed from 7.00 am to 6.30 am.
December 9 2017
The ferry from Tioman to Mersing for Monday 11 December has been cancelled. Please take the ferry back to Mersing on Sunday 10 December. Also, the ferry from Mersing to Tioman has been cancelled for Sunday 10 December and Monday 11 December, due to high winds and waves.
For further details and the latest ferry updates, please call our Mersing operations manager, Mr David Lee. Mr Lee's number can be found in our confirmation email.
November 23 2017
Ticket sales have been closed for the remainder of 2017, due to the current monsoon season. Ferry operations for those with tickets will proceed as scheduled, wind/weather/sea permitting. For the latest ferry updates, please contact our ferry hotline number, as per your booking confirmation email.
November 22 2017
The Tioman to Tanjung Gemuk ferry, at 11.30 am for 26th November has been cancelled, due to strong wind and high sea warnings.
November 21 2017
An extra ferry has been added to the Tanjung Gemuk ferry terminal for 26th November, i.e. Tioman to Tanjung Gemuk, at 11.30 am. Please contact our Malaysia HQ ferry terminal operations manager, Mr. David Lee, for the latest updates. David's number can be found in your booking confirmation email.
November 13 2017
The Tanjung Gemuk - Tioman - Tanjung Gemuk ferry will be suspended indefinitely from today, due to monsoon.
November 11 2017
Please note that should your ferry be canceled as a result of monsoon weather, you're entitled to a full refund. However, an administration fee of $5 per ticket will be charged.
October 31 2017
Please note that, due to the fact that we're currently in monsoon transition season, the ferry service to Tioman has been reduced to one single crossing per day.
September 12 2017
The 5.00 am Mersing to Tioman ferry of September 13th has been postponed to 2.00 pm, due to technical issues. Our apologies.
September 7 2017
Please note that as of September 8th 2017, the Mersing ferry terminal renovations have been completed. As a result, our counter has moved from Counter 1 at Mersing Ferry Terminal to Counter 21 at Mersing Harbour Centre. Please note:
Mersing Harbour Centre is located directly opposite Mersing Ferry Terminal.
Mersing Harbour Centre, as viewed from Mersing Ferry Terminal
September 4 2017
The Mersing ferry departing to Tioman on September 5th at 7.00 am has been cancelled, due to technical issues. Please adjust your itinerary accordingly. Our apologies.
September 1 2017
Please note that, due to new national regulations, foreign tourists are charged a flat rate tourism tax of RM10 per night per room. Local tourists, i.e. Malaysian citizens and Malaysia permanent residents, are exempt.
August 15 2017
As the high tide recedes quickly this week, with levels at their lowest on August 16th, please ensure you arrive at the Mersing ferry terminal at 5.00 am at the latest on August 16th.
July 23 2017
The 8.00 am Mersing - Tioman ferry for July 24th has been canceled, due to technical reasons. Please amend your itinerary accordingly.
July 8 2017
The 8.00 am Mersing - Tioman ferry for July 9th has been canceled, due to technical reasons. Please amend your itinerary accordingly.
June 21 2017
The 11.30 am Tioman - Mersing ferry and the 2.00 pm Tioman - Mersing ferry for 25-06-17 have been canceled. For the latest June 25th ferry times, please see the schedule link in your ferry booking confirmation email.
June 16 2017
The ferry schedule for July has just been released. Just click the link in our confirmation email, sent upon completing your booking, to display the ferry times available. You can let us know your selected times by filling out the date/time selections form. We'll slot you in for the times you selected.
May 23 2017
The 7.00 am ferry from Mersing and from Tanjung Gemuk for May 24, 2017 have both been cancelled. Please adjust your itinerary accordingly. Our apologies.
May 1 2017
The 2.00 pm ferry from Mersing to Tioman for May 2nd 2017 has been cancelled. Please adjust your itinerary accordingly.
March 30th 2017
The 2.00 pm Mersing - Tioman ferry for April 1st has been cancelled. Please amend your itinerary accordingly. Thank you. Our apologies.
March 1st 2017
The ferry from Tanjung Gemuk to Tioman is suspended from March 2 until March 4 inclusive. Apologies. Please call our ferry hotline number, as per our confirmation email, for details and the latest updates.
February 23rd 2017
From 24th until 28th February an additional ferry will run between Tanjung Gemuk and Tioman. Departure time from Tanjung Gemuk is 11.00 am.
February 15th 2017
The ferry to Tioman and back to Mersing is back in operation as of now.
February 12th 2017
The Tioman ferry service is suspended from 12 - 17 February due to high winds and waves. Our apologies. For details on refunds, please email
January 27th 2017
As we're anticipating a busy spell this Chinese New Year weekend, we highly recommend a timely arrival at our counter, Counter 1, at the Mersing ferry terminal. Please note that the recommended arrival time is 1.5 hours before departure time, which means arriving some time before 8.00 am is advised.
January 25th 2017
The ferry from Mersing to Tioman is cancelled today, due to high winds and waves. Our apologies. But the ferry from Mersing to Tioman is on.
January 24th 2017
Both the ferry from Mersing to Tioman and from Tioman to Mersing are again cancelled today, due to high winds and waves. Our apologies. Please contact our operations manager, Mr. David Lee, for the latest ferry departure updates. David's direct number can be found in our confirmation email, sent to all our passengers upon completing the online booking.
January 23rd 2017
Today's ferry to Tioman, as well as the ferry from Tioman back to Mersing, are both cancelled, due to high winds and high waves. Our apologies. Please contact our operations manager, Mr. David Lee, for the latest ferry departure updates. David's direct number can be found in our confirmation email, sent to all our passengers upon completing the online booking.
January 20th 2017
Please note that from January 2017, the Tioman Island conservation fee has increased from Ringgit 5 per person to Ringgit 30 per person. The funds collected go towards maintaining Tioman's marine environment and to various flora and fauna protection projects. You'll be issued a receipt upon payment.
January 1st 2017
Tioman Ferry Tickets wishes everyone, near and far, a happy happy and sunny new year.
December 25th 2016
A merry Christmas to everyone from Tioman Ferry. Have a happy happy new year.
October 25th 2016
Due to the monsoon, the Tanjung Gemuk/Tioman ferry will be suspended from November 15th till the end of the monsoon season. The Mersing ferry will operate on a day-to-day basis from November 1st till the end of the monsoon.
October 16th 2016
The 17/10 8 am Mersing - Tioman ferry has been cancelled, due to technical issues. Please adjust your itinerary accordingly. Our apologies.
September 11th 2016
The 8.30 am Mersing - Tioman ferry for September 12th has been cancelled due to technical issues. Please adjust your itinerary accordingly. Our apologies.
September 7th 2016
Due to Mersing's rather unfavorable tidal range this coming Saturday, the ferry is able to only cross from Mersing to Tioman once, i.e. the 4.30 am departure. After 4.30 am, the water in the Mersing river mouth recedes fairly quickly to levels too low for any further ferry crossings that day.
However, the ferry will be able to depart later in the day from Tanjung Gemuk, our alternative ferry departure point.
For your information, after the 4.30 ferry Mersing has departed, our Mersing ticketing staff will go from Mersing to Tanjung Gemuk.
Tanjung Gemuk is located about 20-30 minutes north of Mersing. For directions to Tanjung Gemuk, please see the paragraph entitled “Tanjung Gemuk” in our confirmation email, sent to you upon completing your ferry booking.
Our confirmation email also contains the Tanjung Gemuk ferry schedule link. Click this link to show the Tanjung Gemuk ferry departure times.
Should you have any questions about Saturdays' departures, whether from Mersing or Tanjung Gemuk, please call our operations manager, Mr. David Lee, on his direct number, which you can find in our confirmation email also.
Have a great trip.
August 31st 2016
Due to tidal issues, the Mersing ferry departure time for September 9th and September 10th have been pushed forward to 4.30 AM and 5.00 AM, respectively. Please adjust your arrival time accordingly.
August 28th 2016
The 29/8 6.30 am Mersing - Tioman ferry has been cancelled due to technical issues. Please adjust your itinerary accordingly. Our apologies.
August 27th 2016
Due to receding tides, the 10 am Mersing ferry for Sunday 28/8 has been pushed forward to 9 am. Please adjust your itinerary accordingly.
August 25th 2016
Due to receding tides, the 7 am ferry for Friday 26 August has been pushed forward to 6 am. Please adjust your itinerary accordingly.
August 24th 2016
Please note that due to the combination of upstream erosion and unfavorable tides, the Mersing river mouth is at times quite shallow. This negatively affects the frequency of crossings between Mersing and Tioman and, as such, reduces total ferry capacity. Please book your ferry tickets early and keep in mind the occasionally early morning departures.
July 26th 2016
The 4.00 am Mersing - Tioman ferry for July 27th has been cancelled due to technical issues. Please adjust your itinerary accordingly. Our apologies.
June 20th 2016
The Mersing ferry to Tioman for tomorrow, 21/06/16, has been cancelled. Please make changes to your itinerary accordingly. Our apologies.
May 31st 2016
The 6.00 am Mersing ferry to Tioman of June 1st has been pushed forward to 5.00 am. Please adjust your arrival time in Mersing accordingly.
May 17th 2016
The Mersing - Tioman ferry of 18/05/16 at 6.30.00 am has been cancelled. And the 9.30 am ferry has been pushed forward to 9.00 am. Please adjust your arrival in Mersing accordingly.
May 2nd 2016
The Mersing - Tioman ferry of 04/05/16 at 10.00 am has been pushed forward to 9.00 am. Please adjust your arrival in Mersing accordingly.
April 23rd 2016
The 8.30 am ferry from Mersing to Tioman for April 24th is cancelled. Please take an alternative ferry. Our apologies.
April 22nd 2016
The ferry is fully booked July 4 - 9, due to the Hari Raya holiday.
April 19th 2016
The 6.30 am ferry from Mersing to Tioman for April 20th is cancelled, due to a technical problem. Our apologies.
April 18th 2016
The 10.00 am Mersing to Tioman ferry for April 19th has been pushed forward to 9.30 am. Please ensure an early enough arrival in Mersing. Also, the 6.30 am ferry from Mersing to Tioman for April 19th is cancelled.
April 6th 2016
The 6.30 am ferry from Mersing to Tioman for April 7th 2016 is cancelled, due to technical reasons.
April 5th 2016
The 6.30 am ferry from Mersing to Tioman for April 6th 2016 is cancelled, due to technical reasons.
April 5th 2016
Due to technical issues, the 5.30 am ferry out of Mersing for today was canceled. The 8.30 am ferry has been pushed forward to 8.00 am.
March 29th 2016
Please note that due to strong winds, there is no Tanjung Gemuk to Tioman ferry, nor Tioman to Tanjung Gemuk ferry for March 29, 30 and 31.
March 21st 2016
The 7.00 am ferry to Tioman on Tuesday 22 March has been cancelled. And the 11.00 am ferry on Tuesday 22 March will now depart at 10.00 am. Please amend your itinerary accordingly.
March 20th 2016
Please note that the 6.30 am of Monday March 21st has been canceled. Please take a later ferry.
March 17th 2016
Please note that the ferry is fully booked from April 28 until May 3.
March 6th 2016
Please note that the 6.30 am ferry on March 7th, 8th and 9th have been cancelled.
February 29th 2016
The March ferry schedule has been amended on a number of dates. Please check the schedule by clicking the link in our confirmation email.
February 21st 2016
We have just been informed by the Malaysia Marine Authority that the first ferry to Tioman on Sunday February 21st has been cancelled due to high wind and waves. Please take the next ferry. For the latest ferry timing updates, please call our ferry hotline number as per the confirmation email sent.
February 9th 2016
The Tioman ferry service will resume tomorrow, Wednesday, 10/02/2016. The 8.00 am ferry to Mersing is now rescheduled to depart at 10.00 am.
February 7th 2016
We've just been notified by the Malaysia Maritime Authorities that the Tioman ferry service is to be suspended from 07/02/16 until 09/02/16, due to high wind and high waves.
January 27th 2016
Please note that our Mersing Ferry Terminal counter has changed from Counter 3 to Counter 1.
January 25th 2016
The Tioman ferry service has been suspended from 25/01/16 until 27/01/16, due to high wind and waves.
January 1st 2016
Tioman Ferry wishes all travelers, near and far, a happy new year!
December 30th 2015
Please note that the ferry is cancelled from December 31 until January 2nd 2016, due to strong wind and high waves. Tickets remain valid, however, for the next available ferry.
October 28th 2015
Tanjung Gemuk is closed for the monsoon. We will re-open Tanjung Gemuk in March 2016.
October 25th 2015
The 6.30 am Mersing ferry to Tioman for Monday, October 26, has been cancelled, due to a technical problem. Please take a later ferry.
October 17th 2015
The 4.30 am Mersing ferry to Tioman for October 18, has been cancelled. Please take a later ferry.
October 12th 2015
The 7.00 am Mersing ferry to Tioman for Tuesday, October 13, has been cancelled, due to a technical problem. Please take a later ferry.
October 10th 2015
The 6.30 am Mersing ferry to Tioman for Monday, October 11, has been cancelled, due to a technical problem. Please take a later ferry.
October 7th 2015
The 10 am Mersing ferry to Tioman for tomorrow, Thursday, October 8, has been pushed forward to 9 am, due to the rapidly outgoing tide.
October 6th 2015
The 6.30 am ferry of Wednesday October 7, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled, due to technical issues. Please take the later ferry. Our apologies.
September 29th 2015
The 8.30 am ferry of Wednesday 30th September, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled, due to technical issues. Please take a later ferry.
September 28th 2015
The 7.30 am ferry of Tuesday 29th September, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled, due to technical issues. Please take a later ferry.
September 21st 2015
An extra Mersing to Tioman ferry has been added to the schedule on Tuesday 22nd September. This ferry departs at 2.00 pm.
September 19th 2015
NOTE: The 4.00 pm Mersing ferry to Tioman for 20/09 has been cancelled, due to technical problems. Please adjust your itinerary accordingly.
September 19th 2015
The 11.30 am Mersing ferry to Tioman for September 20th has been pushed back to 12.30 pm.
September 8th 2015
We've just been notified that, as a result of tidal issues in Mersing, the ferry to Tioman on September 11th needs to operate as punctually as possible. In view of this, we strongly advise that passengers arrive at our Mersing ferry terminal ticket counter, Counter 1, with at least one hour to spare.
September 8th 2015
The 6.00 am ferry of Tuesday 9th September, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled, due to technical issues. Please take a later ferry.
September 7th 2015
The 6.00 am ferry of Tuesday 8th September, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled, due to technical issues. Please take a later ferry.
September 6th 2015
The ferry out of Tanjung Gemuk to Tioman on September 19th is now fully booked.
August 31st 2015
Tioman Ferry has earned a mention and a link in The Rough Guide to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei section of
Rough Guides travel guide 2015-2016. The guide is available in print and digital format.
August 30th 2015
The 8.30 am ferry of Monday August 31, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled, due to technical issues.
August 21st 2015
The 4.00 am Mersing ferry to Tioman for tomorrow, August 22, has been pushed forward to 3.30 am.
August 20th 2015
The September Tanjung Gemuk ferry schedule has just been published. Please click the Tanjung Gemuk ferry schedule link in your ferry reservation confirmation email for the estimated ferry departure times from Tanjung Gemuk to Tioman and from Tioman back to Tanjung Gemuk.
August 18th 2015
The Mersing ferry departure times for the outbound and inbound ferry for August 23 and 24 have been amended. Please click the link in your ferry reservation confirmation email for the actual ferry departure times.
August 18th 2015
The Mersing ferry departure times for the outbound and inbound ferry for September 20 and 21 have been added/amended. Please click the link in your ferry reservation confirmation email for the actual ferry departure times.
August 12th 2015
We've just been notified that the 6.30 am ferry of Thursday August
13, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled, due to technical issues. Our apologies.
August 8th 2015
The 6.00 am Mersing to Tioman ferry of Sunday 09/08 has been canceled, due to technical issues. Please select the later ferry. Our apologies.
August 2nd 2015
Due to the extreme low water situation in the Mersing River mouth on August 23 and 24, the Tioman - Mersing ferry will be rerouted to the alternative ferry harbor at Tanjung Gemuk. The departure times for these dates have been set at 2.00 pm. Passengers can take a bus or a taxi from Tanjung Gemuk to Singapore or KL.
July 12th 2015
The 6.30 am ferry of Monday 13 July, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled. Please select an alternative ferry time. Our apologies.
July 11th 2015
The 6.30 am ferry of Sunday 12 July, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled. Please select an alternative ferry time. Our apologies.
July 11th 2015
Please note that the ferry to Tioman for July 19th is now fully booked.
July 6th 2015
The 11.30 am ferry of Tuesday 7 July, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled. Please select an alternative ferry time. Our apologies.
July 1st 2015
The 7.30 am ferry of Thursday 2 July, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled, due to a technical issue. Please select an alternative ferry time. Our apologies.
June 30th 2015
The 6.30 am ferry of Wednesday 1 July, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled. Please select an alternative ferry time from our online ferry schedule. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
June 29th 2015
The 6.30 am ferry of Tuesday 30 June, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled. Please select an alternative ferry time. Our apologies.
June 14th 2015
The 2.00 pm ferry to Tioman on Monday June 15th has been amended to 12.00 noon. Please adjust your itinerary accordingly.
May 17th 2015
There will be one extra ferry from Tanjung Gemuk to Tioman at 4.30 pm today. If you made your reservations with us, you can depart from Tanjung Gemuk. Please call our Ferry Hotline number, sent to you in our confirmation email, for the ticket collection details.
May 16th 2015
The 6.30 am ferry of Sunday 17 May, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled. Please select an alternative ferry time from our estimated ferry departure time schedule.
May 13th 2015
Please note that the ferry to Tioman for August 8th is now fully booked.
May 13th 2015
Please note that the ferry to Tioman for June 6th and June 7th is now fully booked.
May 6th 2015
Please note that the ferry to Tioman for July 17th is now fully booked. Please take the ferry on July 16th or 18th.
April 20th 2015
The 11.30 am ferry of Friday 24 April, from Mersing to Tioman, is fully booked. Please select an alternative ferry.
April 11th 2015
Please note that the ferry to Tioman for April 30th and May 30th are now both fully booked.
March 29th 2015
The Tanjung Gemuk ferry to Tioman on 17th April is now fully booked.
March 29th 2015
The 10 am ferry departing from Mersing on 17th April is now fully booked.
March 29th 2015
The 11 am Mersing ferry to Tioman on 10th April is now fully booked.
March 24th 2015
The 11.30 am ferry of Wednesday 25 March, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled. Please select an alternative ferry time. Our apologies.
March 17th 2015
Please note that the 9 am Mersing to Tioman ferry for tomorrow, 18th March 2015, has been pushed forward to 8 am.
March 12th 2015
Due to engine problems, we anticipate delays for the Tioman crossings for tomorrow, March 13th. Please see our email alert for further details.
March 9th 2015
The ferry departing from Mersing to Tioman on May 1st is now fully booked.
March 7th 2015
Please note that the ferry to Tioman is fully booked on 13th and 14th March.
March 4th 2015
The 6.30 am ferry to Tioman on Thursday 5th March has been cancelled, due to technical problems. Please divert to the next available ferry. For details of the latest ferry schedule, please see the ferry schedule link in our original confirmation email.
March 1st 2015
We've just been notified that Tioman Berjaya Resort & Spa has reopened after completing its upgrading works. Those wishing to stay at Tioman Berjaya Resort & Spa in 2015 can now place their booking on
February 21st 2015
Please note that the ferry to Tioman on 3 April, Good Friday, is now fully booked.
February 17th 2015
Ferry departure from Mersing to Tioman on 19th February has been moved forward, i.e. from 7 am to 6 am, due to expected conditions. Please arrive at the Mersing ferry terminal at 5 am latest.
February 9th 2015
The ferry cancellation for today has been withdrawn. The ferry for tomorrow, February 10th, also looks likely to be able to depart. Please call our hotline for the latest ferry updates.
February 8th 2015
We've just been notified by the Malaysia Maritime Authority that, as a result of the rough weather, the ferry has been cancelled for the 9th and possibly the 10th of February. Please call our Mersing ferry hotline number, sent to you in our reservation confirmation email, for the latest updates.
February 8th 2015
We have just been notified that the Tioman ferry for today, 8th February, has been cancelled. Please call our Mersing ferry hotline number, sent to you in our reservation confirmation email, for updates.
February 6th 2015
We have just been notified that the Tioman ferry for today, 6th February, and tomorrow, 7th February, have been cancelled. Please call our Mersing ferry hotline number, sent in our reservation confirmation email, for updates.
February 5th 2015
Please note that even though the office opposite the bus terminal in Mersing shows a "Blue Water Express" sign, this office is not the Blue Water Express office. A number of our customers have informed us that they were told by people in this office that PayPal ferry reservations are not valid and that new ferry tickets must be bought from this office. We have informed PayPal of this company's scam and we urge you to be aware also.
January 15th 2015
Please note that the ferry to Tioman on 19th February is fully booked.
January 7th 2015
We have just been notified that the 12th January Mersing to Tioman ferry and the 13th January Tioman to Mersing ferry have been cancelled.
Berjaya Resort & Spa Upgrading Update
We've just been notified that Tioman Berjaya Resort & Spa will reopen mid-March 2015. Those wishing to stay at Tioman Berjaya Resort & Spa can now place their booking on
Agoda (Book now, pay later).
January 3rd 2015
We have just been notified that the 5th January Tioman ferry back to Mersing has been cancelled. Please return to Mersing either on 4th or 6th January.
January 1st 2015
We have just been notified by the Malaysia Maritime authorities that the Tioman ferry service for today, 01/01/15, has been cancelled.
December 22nd 2014
Please note that the ferry is currently on day-by-day status; whether the ferry will run will be decided on the basis of weather and sea state.
December 20th 2014
We have just been notified by the Malaysia Maritime authorities that the Tioman ferry for 21/12/14 has been cancelled.
October 20th 2014
The 6.30 am ferry of Tuesday 21/10, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled. Our apologies.
September 19th 2014
The ferry is now also fully booked on: 10/10, 22/10 and 23/10.
September 6th 2014
The ferry is fully booked on: 3/10 and 4/10.
September 1st 2014
The ferry from Mersing to Tioman on September 5th, 13th and 14th is fully booked.
August 26th 2014
The 8.00 am ferry of Wednesday 27th of August, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled. Our apologies.
August 23rd 2014
The ferry to Tioman on August 30th is fully booked.
August 9th 2014
The 6.30 am ferry of Sunday August 10th, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled, due to logistics issues.
July 29th 2014
Please note that the Tioman to Mersing ferry is fully booked on August 9th!
July 23rd 2014
Please note that the ferry from Mersing to Tioman on August 9 is now fully booked.
July 22nd 2014
Please note that the 6.30 am ferry of Wednesday July 23rd from Mersing to Tioman has been canceled, due to logistics issues.
July 19th 2014
Please note that the 6.00 am ferry of Sunday July 20th from Mersing to Tioman has been canceled, due to technical problems.
July 13th 2014
Please note that the 8.00 am ferry of Monday July 14th from Mersing to Tioman has been canceled, due to technical problems. Please divert to a later ferry.
June 27th 2014
Please note that the Mersing to Tioman ferry is fully booked on July 26 and July 27.
The Tioman to Mersing ferry is fully booked on July 29.
June 8th 2014
Ferry ticket availability is reduced until June 30th, due to the school holidays.
June 6th 2014
The June 7th and 8th ferry to Tioman are both fully booked.
June 6th 2014
Please note that one of our ferries is under repair currently. This means that the ferry schedule may need to be adjusted to make up for the ferry that's out of commission, possibly resulting in delays this coming weekend.
June 5th 2014
For June 7th there's just the (afternoon) ferry.
May 21st 2014
For June 7th there's just the (afternoon) ferry.
May 21st 2014
Please note that on Thursday 22 May, the 9 am ferry from Tioman to Mersing has been delayed to 11 am.
May 13th 2014
The ferry to Tioman for June 6th is now fully booked.
May 13th 2014
Please note that this year, the June Singapore and Malaysia mid-term school holidays both fall in the same period. As a result, we've been experiencing high ticket demand for coming June.
May 2nd 2014
Please note that the ferry to Tioman is fully booked for May 9th and 10th, the Vesak Day weekend. We now only have a few seats available for May 8th.
May 2nd 2014
Please note that the ferry to Tioman is fully booked for May 10th, Vesak Day weekend. We now only have a few seats available for May 8th and May 9th.
April 28th 2014
The ferry of Tuesday 29th April at 6.30 am, from Mersing to Tioman, has been canceled due to technical reasons. Please take a later ferry.
April 27th 2014
Note that the 12.30 pm ferry returning to Mersing on Monday 28 April has been canceled due to technical reasons. Pls take the earlier ferry.
April 22nd 2014
Please note that the ferry to Tioman is fully booked for May 1st, Labor Day. We now only have a few seats available for April 30th and May 2nd.
April 12th 2014
The 6.30 am Mersing ferry to Tioman on Sunday 13 April has been canceled due to technical issues. Please use the later ferry to Tioman.
March 27th 2014
The 2 pm ferry of Sunday April 6th going to Tioman has been canceled, due to technical reasons. Please take the 11.30 am or the 4.30 pm ferry instead.
March 27th 2014
Tomorrow, Friday 28 March 2014, there will 2 extra ferries from Tioman to Mersing: one at 6.30 am and one at 4.30 pm.
March 24th 2014
Please note that the ferry for April 18 is fully booked. To get to Tioman for the Easter weekend, please book your ferry seats for 17th or 19th of April.
March 20th 2014
Please note that the ferry for March 21 is fully booked. There are a few seats available for the afternoon ferry only.
March 20th 2014
Please note that the ferry from Tioman to Tanjung Gemuk has been canceled until Saturday 22nd. Please return to Mersing from Tioman.
March 18th 2014
Please note that the ferry from Tioman to Tanjung Gemuk has been canceled today and tomorrow, due to extreme weather. Please return to Mersing from Tioman.
March 17th 2014
Please note that the ferry from Tioman to Tanjung Gemuk has been canceled today, due to extreme weather. Please return to Mersing from Tioman on the 6.30 am ferry or the 9.00 am ferry.
March 11th 2014
Please note that the ferry to Tioman is fully booked for April 18th, Good Friday. Our outbound ferry now only has a few seats available for April 17th and April 19th.
March 4th 2014
Please note that Good Friday's ferry is nearing full capacity. We now only have a few seats available for the early morning ferry to Tioman on April 18th.
February 7th 2014
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
One ferry will be added to our Mersing to Tioman schedule on February 10th and 11th. Please refer to the ferry schedule link in our confirmation email for the ferry departure times. Due to the changeable character of the current offshore conditions, we recommend calling our Mersing ferry hotline number the day before your trip, so our staff can inform you of the best time to head for Mersing and your date's exact ferry departure time.
January 23th 2014
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that the ferry departure time on Friday 24th
January has been pushed forward to 12.30 pm, due to weather
conditions. We recommend you arrive at the Mersing ferry terminal
with about 1.5 hours to spare.
January 13th 2014
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that, unfortunately, today's ferry was canceled, due to high winds and waves. Your tickets, however, remain valid for the next available ferry.
January 12th 2014
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that the first ferry on 13 January, from Tioman to Mersing, has been canceled, due to the weather. Please take the next ferry to Mersing. Please call our Mersing ferry terminal HQ hotline number for the latest updates.
January 11th 2014
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that the second ferry on 12 January, from Tioman to Mersing, has been canceled, due to the weather. Please take the first ferry to Mersing. Please call our Mersing ferry terminal HQ hotline number for the latest updates.
January 11th 2014
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that the ferry to Tioman for Friday 31st January is fully booked. Please divert to the ferry the day before or the day after.
January 9th 2014
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that tomorrow's first ferry, 10th January 2014, from Tioman to Mersing, has been canceled, due to the weather. Please take the next ferry to Mersing. Please call our Mersing ferry terminal HQ hotline number for the latest updates.
January 6th 2014
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that tomorrow's first ferry, 7th January 2014, from Tioman to Mersing, has been canceled, due to the weather. Please take the next ferry to Mersing. Please call our Mersing ferry terminal HQ hotline number for the latest updates.
January 3rd 2014
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that tomorrow's ferry, 4th January 2014, will depart earlier than the stated time, due to the weather. Please arrive at the Mersing ferry terminal at 8.30 am latest. Please call our Mersing ferry terminal HQ hotline number for the latest updates.
January 1st 2014
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that tomorrow's ferry, 2nd January 2014, will depart earlier than the stated time, due to the weather. Please arrive at the Mersing ferry terminal at 8.30 am latest. Please call our Mersing ferry terminal HQ hotline number for the latest updates.
December 25th December 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that officially the ferry service has been suspended until December 31st. However, currently the weather situation is exceptionally volatile. Given the current situation, we highly recommend you call our Mersing ferry hotline number to stay abreast of the weather/ferry status, because the suspension may be lifted any particular day as soon as the weather improves.
December 21st December 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that today's ferry crossing was canceled, due to severe weather. Please call our Mersing ferry terminal HQ hotline number for the latest updates.
December 13th 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please arrive at the Mersing ferry terminal 2 hours before departure time, as the ferry may need to leave ahead of scheduled departure time.
December 3rd 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that as a result of extreme monsoon weather, the ferry to Tioman has been canceled for Tuesday December 3, Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5. The ferry may resume service on Friday December 6. Please call our Mersing ferry terminal hotline number, included in our confirmation email, sent upon submission of your reservation, for details. Our Mersing staff will keep you updated of the latest weather/ferry developments.
November 16 2013
Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2014 Malaysia made it to the top 10 listRead why 2014 is the best ever year to visit Malaysia.
Selamat datang!
November 13th 2013
Note that should Counter 1 at the Mersing ferry terminal be unmanned, just proceed to Counter 8. Once you've shown your reservation transaction print-out to, your tickets will be handed to you. Please note that you must have your reservation transaction details printed out, as a screenshot on laptop, mobile phone or tablet cannot be accepted.
***** Chinese New Year 2014 *****
Please note that Chinese New Year in 2014 falls in monsoon season. As a result of unfavorable weather/sea conditions, ferry capacity to Tioman will be reduced to one crossing per day and interruptions and cancelations are possible. To ensure there are enough ferry tickets available for you and your family to get to your hotel in Tioman, we recommend securing your ferry seats early.
November 2nd 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note the 7 am ferry of Sunday 3rd November has been canceled. Please refer to our online timetable in your confirmation email for the latest ferry timings.
November 1st 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that Tanjung Gemuk is closed for the duration of the monsoon. Please proceed to Mersing to get the ferry to Tioman.
October 25th 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Starting November, the frequency of ferry crossings to Tioman will be limited to 1 single trip per day. Please ensure you check our online schedule and call our Mersing ferry terminal hotline to stay up-to-date with the ferry times, as these are subject to weather-related change. Note: Both our ferry schedule and Mersing ferry terminal hotline number are sent automatically to those who book on www.tiomanferry.com.
October 22nd 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Pls note the 8 am ferry of Tuesday 22nd October has been canceled. Pls refer to our online timetable in your confirmation email for the latest ferry timings.
October 12th 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Pls note the 7 am ferry of Sunday 13th October has been canceled. The other ferry timings for that day are unaffected. Pls refer to our online timetable in your confirmation email for the latest ferry timings.
October 9th 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Pls note the 7 am ferry of Thursday 10 October has been canceled. Also, the 7 am ferry of Friday 11 October has been pushed forward to 6.30 am. Pls refer to our online ferry timetable for latest details.
October 1st 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Pls note the early morning ferry timing on 2 - 8 October has changed to 8 am. Pls refer to our online ferry timetable for latest details.
September 27th 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that the 7.00 am ferry of Sunday September 29th has been canceled. Please take the next ferry on your schedule.
September 24th 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that the 7.00 am ferry of September 25th has been canceled. Please take the next ferry on your schedule.
September 20th 2013
Starting October 1st 2013, all passengers placing online one-way or round-trip ferry seat reservations Mersing - Tioman or Tioman - Mersing, for any date in 2014, can have their ferry tickets forwarded to their address of choice, anywhere in the world. Simply include the delivery address in full when submitting your reservation details and indicate that you wish your ferry tickets to be delivered to that address. This is a free service by Tioman Ferry Tickets.
September 15th 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that the 6.30 am ferry of September 16th has been canceled due to technical problems. Please take the next ferry on your schedule.
September 12th 2013
Please note that starting from September 2013, the Johor government levies RM20 toll per non-Malaysian resident visitor to Tioman. Malaysia residents are charged RM5 toll.
September 11th 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that the 5.30 am ferry of September 12th has been canceled due to technical problems. Please take the next ferry on your schedule.
August 28th 2013
Please note that ferry seats for September 14th, going from Mersing to Tioman, are sold out! Please divert your departure to Tioman to earlier or later dates. Thank you.
August 21st 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that the 6.30 am ferry of August 22nd has been canceled due to technical issues. Please take the next ferry on your schedule.
August 20th 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that the 6.30 am ferry of August 21st has been canceled due to tidal issues. Please take the next ferry on your schedule.
August 5th 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that the 7.00 am ferry of August 6th has been canceled due to technical issues. Please take the next ferry on your schedule.
August 4th 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that the 6.30 am ferry of August 5th has been canceled due to local weather conditions. Please take the next ferry on your schedule.
July 23nd 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that a number of late July ferry times, both Mersing to Tioman as well as Tioman to Mersing, have been amended today. Please check the latest timetable, which has been uploaded to the URL you'll find in our confirmation email.
July 19th 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that the 4.30 pm ferry from Tioman back to Mersing on Saturday 20th July has been canceled due to technical issues. Please take the 2 pm ferry instead.
July 5th 2013
Tioman on CNN (CNN has since taken down its iReport section)
June 27th 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
As we're on the cusp of the summer holidays, with July and August traditionally being the peak months of the year, we recommend you reserve your ferry seats well in advance, so as to avoid delays or missed resort bookings.
May 20 2013
Long August Weekend Promotion!
This all-in-one promotional package includes your two-way ferry journey, as well as a fun-filled day snorkeling in Tioman's world-renowned turquoise-blue waters and a stay at Tioman's happiest family resort, the famously kid-friendly Selesa Tioman Condotel.
All-in price: RM375 (S$150) per person! No extra fee, no surcharge! Price includes:
1. Round-trip Ferry tickets Mersing-Tioman-Mersing
2. Resort accommodation at Tioman's Beautiful Selesa Condotel* (including breakfast)
3. Full day snorkeling at various offshore locations
April 15 2013
Please note that ferry seats for May 24th, going from Mersing to Tioman, and May 26th, going from Tioman to Mersing, are sold out! Please divert your departure to Tioman and/or your return to Mersing to earlier or later dates. Thank you.
March 28th 2013
All-new Happy Vesak Day Promotion at Tioman Selesa Condotel!
All-in price: RM375 (S$150) per person includes:
- Return Ferry ticket Mersing - Tioman - Mersing -
- Accommodation at Tioman's Beautiful Selesa Tioman Condotel -
- Full day snorkeling trip by speedboat, including snorkel equipment -
Click here for more details...
March 12 2013
Please note that ferry seats for March 29th, going from Mersing to Tioman, are sold out! Ferry seats for March 31st, going back to Mersing, are also sold out! Please divert your departure to Tioman and your return to Mersing to earlier or later dates.
February 3rd 2013
***** Notice to all our passengers *****
Please note that ferry seats for February 9th are sold out! Please divert your departure to Tioman to February 8th or February 10th.
January 21st 2013
Given the monsoon, it's crucial that you arrive in Mersing at least one hour before boarding time.
Thank you.
January 11th 2013
As a result of improved weather forecasts, the ferry from Mersing to Tioman is no longer suspended.
However, given the prevailing monsoon conditions, please note that the ferry service may still occasionally be subject to interruptions, or even, during severe weather, be cancelled.
Please note that the schedule sent to you upon your online reservation may need to be adjusted. To get the latest weather and ferry departure updates, please call our Mersing hotline number, which is also included in our email confirmation of your online booking.
See our
Terms and Conditions for more details.
December 31st 2012
Due to heavy monsoon weather expected from the middle of this week, the ferry service will be suspended indefinitely from tomorrow onwards, Tuesday 1st January 2013.
Please make sure you take the last ferry back to Mersing from Tioman to avoid being stranded on Tioman.
See our
Terms and Conditions for more details.
December 2nd 2012
2D/1N Chinese New Year Promotion at Tioman Condotel is now on!
All-in price: RM375 (S$150) per person!
- Return Ferry ticket Mersing-Tioman-Mersing -
- Accommodation at Tioman's Beautiful Selesa Tioman Condotel -
- Full day snorkeling at various offshore locations -
November 20th 2012
Please note that due to the current monsoon conditions, the ferry schedule isn't set as such. In light of this, we recommend that passengers with reservations arrive at the Mersing ferry terminal with plenty of time to spare.
Please also note that, given the current monsoon, under extreme conditions, the ferry may be canceled. Tioman Ferry cannot and will not be held liable for weather-related cancelations. See our
Terms and Conditions for more details.
November 1st 2012
Due to the start of the North-east monsoon season and small-craft warnings currently in place along the Malaysia East Coast, the ferry crossing frequency has been decreased to a single departure per day.
October 29th 2012
Our Ferry & Fun package promotion is now on. And prices have been lowered for our end-of-season sale! Just S$200 per person for your round-trip ferry tickets to Tioman and back, your night's stay in your elegant fully air-conditioned Selesa Tioman Condotel Family Suite, including 2 bedrooms, a kitchenette, a lounge and a balcony, as well as a day's snorkeling for everyone to Coral Island and Renggis Island and Pulau Soyak.
Summer holidays were never so much fun!
Click here for more details...
October 9th 2012
Please note that the ferry for the long Hari Raya Haji weekend of October 26-28 is
now fully booked. Please divert to October 25th or 27th if you'd like to book your Tioman ferry tickets in advance.
September 24th 2012
Please keep in mind that the seasons are beginning to show signs of changing from South-west monsoon to North-east monsoon. Weather and sea state may at times be changeable, which may result in ferry schedule interruptions and, at times, cancellations. In the event your ferry crossing has been cancelled, due to the weather, your ferry tickets remain valid for three months from the date of your original departure.
November 30th 2012
Our Ferry & Fun package promotion is now on, with prices reduced! Just S$200 per person for your round-trip ferry tickets to Tioman and back, your night's stay in your elegant fully air-conditioned Tioman Condotel Family Suite, including 2 bedrooms, a kitchenette, a lounge and a balcony, as well as a day's snorkeling to Coral Island and Renggis Island and Pulau Soyak.
School holidays were never so much fun!
Click here for more details...
September 9th 2012
Please note that the Tioman ferry for September 15th is fully booked. Please divert to September 14th or 16th if you'd like to reserve your ferry seats. Thank you.
August 19th 2012
Tioman Ferry Tickets wishes all our Muslim friends Eid Mubarak and Happy Holidays.
August 8th 2012
Please note that the Tioman ferry for August 19th is fully booked. Please divert to August 18th or 20th if you'd like to reserve your ferry seats. Thank you.
July 5th 2012
Who wouldn't "like" to travel for free? During the months of October and November, every 15th "like" of our Facebook page will receive a full refund of one ferry ticket reserved. We will refund you by PayPal automatically and then notify you that you're one of the lucky ones to travel to Tioman totally free of charge!
June 29th 2012
A big shout-out to Hu Li Lin and Family for their gratitude and for putting us in the limelight a bit with below letter in the Straits Times newspaper. We're happy that all's well that ends well.
I AM the younger sister of Mr Hu Jin Jie, the Singaporean diver who was rescued alongside five others. Many people offered strong support to my family during this time of crisis.
We are extremely grateful to Tioman Ferry. After hearing about how we were unable to catch the last ferry leaving Mersing at 4.30pm, they made an extra effort to liaise with others to provide special transportation for us. They arranged for a van to ferry us from our home in Singapore to Mersing, and were even prepared to arrange for other emergency transport services for us.
They offered continual assistance, and provided us with a listening ear. They also gave us the latest updates on the divers.
Through this ordeal, we have learnt to cherish my brother even more and appreciate our family life.
Hu Li Lin (Miss)
June 13th 2012
Due to its overwhelming popularity, our School Holiday Tioman Ferry & Fun Package at Selesa Tioman Condotel Family Suites has been extended to the months of August and September. Our Family Suites are now open for August and September bookings!
May 27th 2012
A few Selesa Tioman Condotel Family Suites are still available for last minute July reservations!
Click here for more details...
May 15th 2012
Our Ferry & Fun package promotion is now on. Just S$200 per person for your round-trip ferry tickets to Tioman and back, your night's stay in your elegant fully air-conditioned Selesa Tioman Condotel Family Suite, including 2 bedrooms, a kitchenette, a lounge and a balcony, as well as a day's snorkeling for everyone to Coral Island and Renggis Island and Pulau Soyak.
Summer holidays were never so much fun!
Click here for more details...
May 1st 2012
Please note that ferry tickets for the Vesak Day weekend coming up are running low. Please reserve your ferry seats now if you've already booked your Tioman resort or want to book your last minute Vesak Day weekend trip.
March 23rd 2012
Please note that no more tickets are available for the ferry to Tioman on April 6th, Good Friday. For the 5th (Thursday) and 7th (Saturday) there are still some tickets left.
March 19th 2012
As of today, March 19, winds will be easing a notch. That said, please note that we do still expect fairly choppy conditions until this weekend, possible beyond. In addition, given the current the tide levels, departure times may be affected.
Please refer to your ferry schedule and your Mersing ferry terminal hotline number, that was emailed to you upon reservation of your tickets, to stay updated of any departure time adjustments.
Please also ensure that you arrive at the Mersing ferry terminal with plenty of time to spare.
March 12th 2012
Please note that the next 5-7 days the winds from the South China Sea will be quite strong, due to the arrival of a new monsoon surge. Ferry departure time will likely be affected somewhat by the wind and the sea state. Please refer to the ferry schedule and Mersing ferry terminal hotline number, emailed to you upon reservation of your tickets, to stay updated of any departure time adjustments.
Please also ensure that you arrive at the Mersing ferry terminal with plenty of time to spare.
February 14th 2012
The Northeast monsoon appears to be losing steam; winds are easing more and the sea is calmer now. The number of daily departures however, continue to be restricted considerably, so please refer to the updated March ferry departure time schedule that we send to you in your confirmation email upon reservation of your tickets. This email also contains our Mersing office hotline number. You can call this number at any time for your latest departure time updates.
Please ensure that you arrive at the Mersing ferry terminal with plenty of time to spare.
February 2nd, 2012
Winds are easing a little, but seas will likely remain fairly big for some time to come. Please refer to our confirmation email containing our exclusive Mersing office hotline number. You can call this number at any time for your latest weather and departure time updates.
Please ensure that you arrive at the Mersing ferry terminal with plenty of time to spare, as for the time being there will be just a single departure.
January 23, 2012
The past week has been a week of relatively calm crossings. However, the charts are showing strengthening winds and choppy seas from tomorrow, Tuesday 24th January, until after the weekend at least. Please refer to our exclusive confirmation email containing our Mersing office number. You can call this number at any time for your latest weather and departure time updates.
Please ensure that you arrive at the Mersing ferry terminal with plenty of time to spare, as there will be just a single departure.
January 10, 2012
Today, January 10, 2012, ferry departure time was set for 11.00 am. Actual departure time was 9.00 am, due to the forecast for worsening weather later in the day. Please refer to our email containing our Mersing office number for your latest weather and departure time updates. You can call this number at any time for your latest weather and departure time updates.
Please ensure that you arrive at the Mersing ferry terminal with plenty of time to spare.
November 14, 2011
Due to the start of the North-east monsoon and small-craft warnings currently in place, ferry operations have been adjusted to one single departure per day.
1. You are strongly advised to always call our Mersing Harbour Centre Hotline number the day before your ferry journey. Our Counter staff will give you the latest ferry departure time updates.
2. The ferry can be subject to changeable departure timings. Departure times may need to be adjusted on-the-fly and, in certain weather conditions, the ferry may even be canceled. Please also note that holding your reservations is contingent on a timely arrival at the ferry terminal, as the ferry crew has final discretion of seating allocation during the boarding procedure. As such, arriving at the ferry terminal with ample time, i.e. at least 1.5 hours, to spare before stated departure time is therefore highly recommended, particularly since the ferry may on occasion need to depart ahead of scheduled departure time, for instance due to impending unfavorable local sailing conditions.
3. Tioman Ferry Tickets cannot be held responsible, nor accountable for any inaccuracy, omission or alteration of information that may occur.